When you reach retirement, it is inevitable that your usual pattern and routine of day-to-day life will change, creating an ideal opportunity to embrace new opportunities. It’s the season to think fresh! Create a rhythm which includes social connection, feeding your own sense of wellbeing and personal growth. So, what ingredients do you need to have on hand to find your new normal while staying social, happy and healthy in your golden years? We have a few suggestions.


Stay Social!

  • Join a club or group: Find activities that interest you, whether it's a book club, a walking group, or a photography club. Local community centres, senior centres, or online groups can be great resources.
  • Volunteer your time: Giving back to your community is a rewarding way to meet new people and feel a sense of purpose. There are volunteer opportunities for all interests and abilities.
  • Reconnect with old friends and family: Schedule regular calls, video chats, or in-person gatherings.
  • Host social events: Invite friends and neighbours over for potlucks, game nights, or movie nights.
  • Take a class: Learning a new skill is a fun way to challenge yourself and meet new people. Community colleges, senior centres, or online platforms offer a variety of courses.


Continue Learning

Just because you’re ageing, doesn’t mean you wouldn’t benefit from learning something new! Try a language, take up an art or make a start on a new project. You will get a sense of satisfaction as you progress, and stimulate your brain at the same time. You might even meet some wonderful new friends over a shared interest if you choose to sign up for a class or experience. 

Be open to new technology
‘Silver surfers’ are the fastest-growing group of online users - older people have caught on and realised it's never too late to have a change of attitude. There are incredible benefits that new technology and gadgets can bring to enhance and improve day-to-day life.

  • Connect with loved ones
  • Enjoy the convenience of internet banking
  • Online shopping
  • Access to interesting websites and information
  • Gaming and VR
  • Photography and video

Check out http://seniornet.nz, www.digitallearn.org/, or https://steppingup.nz/ for help to get started.

Maintain Physical and Mental Wellbeing:

Fuel your body with nutritious food and remember to also keep moving! Staying active is imperative to boost your energy, fitness and encourage better sleep. Your body and long-term health rely on a balanced diet so get inventive and check out some new recipes!

  • Stay active: Regular exercise is essential for physical and mental health. Go for walks, join a fitness class, try swimming, or dance to your favourite music.
  • Eat a healthy diet: Focus on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Don't forget to stay hydrated!
  • Schedule regular checkups: Maintain preventative healthcare by visiting your doctor and dentist regularly.
  • Challenge your mind: Read books, do puzzles, play brain games, or learn a new language.
  • Get enough sleep: Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Activities like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help manage stress and improve overall well-being.

Embrace New Pursuits:

  • Travel: Explore new places, revisit old favourites, or take a road trip. You don’t have to think too far away, go local! Grab an electric bike, use ‘Driving Miss Daisy’ for a scenic drive, or consider a bus tour.
  • Pursue a hobby: Dust off an old hobby or try something completely new.
  • Take up a creative outlet: Write, paint, draw, play music, or anything that sparks your creativity.


Become a volunteer:

You may have given up your 9-5, but do you still have an appetite for using a lifetime of skills or giving back to your community? Volunteering can provide immense benefits! You’ll find a sense of purpose, build new friendships and learn skills. There’s a huge amount of local organisations that rely on volunteers, so it won’t be hard to find one relating to your interests.


Rent out a room in your home

A bit out of the box, but an ingenious way to make a few dollars while simultaneously developing social connections. Check out websites like Airbnb to safely facilitate opening up your spare room. You can look into the option of long-term renting or having people for just a couple of days at a time.

Remember: Retirement is a time for you. Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, embrace new experiences, and create a fulfilling and happy chapter in your life.
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