Aged Advisor NZ

Aged Advisor NZ favorite
Business Type:
33 alameda place, Broadfield, Canterbury

Welcome to Aged Advisor! Our site is designed to simplify the search for the right Retirement Village or Aged Care facility.

As locals with firsthand experience in Retirement Villages and Aged Care—whether through our work providing services to residents or through friends and family living in these facilities—we understand the unique needs and challenges. We don’t own or operate any of these facilities, nor do we hold shares in any Retirement Village groups. Our sole interest is in ensuring that you find the best possible option for yourself or your loved ones.

With the number of people aged 65 and over expected to double in the next 15 years, more New Zealanders will be seeking Retirement or restcare options. Currently, our aged care facilities are at high occupancy levels, and while new facilities are being built to meet the demand, there was no site available to review and compare these options—until now.

We hope Aged Advisor will assist you in making an informed decision about the next stage of life for you or your loved ones. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email us at